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Distracted man on his phone doesn't see bear come within feet of him

Last week, David Pace was sitting on his Wyoming County porch and his unknowing encounter with a bear was caught on surveillance cameras

FALLS, Pa. — Ida Pace and her son David say they love living in the rural countryside near Falls in Wyoming County: the peace and quiet and the abundance of wildlife from deer, to birds, and even a neighborhood bear.  Ida says she's seen a bear before and has never really been too worried and keeps her distance.

"I know they're afraid of us for the most part.  We've lived here since 2004 and have seen many bears.  We're used to it," Ida said.

The Pace family has cameras outside their home.  Last Thursday night, those cameras showed David sitting outside enjoying the summer evening and scrolling through his phone and not looking up to see a black bear wander towards him.

"About 8 feet away, standing here staring at me.  I didn't hear him until he started to run," David said.

Ida was inside and happened to look up at the screen that shows their cameras and noticed the bear and knowing her son was outside.

"I'm yelling David! David! I got up and am running into the mud room as he's coming through the door and he says Mom the bear is in the yard and I said I know!" Ida said.

David says he's glad the bear got spooked and ran away because he knows the bear could have hurt him, but is disappointed he wasn't looking up to get a better look at the bear.

"I'm looking out in case he wants to come back.  I'll be ready next time.  I've been looking for the bear since May.  I can't believe he was standing there. I still haven't seen him because I wasn't paying attention," said David.

"Every night now I say Dave if you're going to sit outside, take the flashlight, keep flashing the light out there and be aware of your surroundings.  Don't be staring at your phone," Ida said.

The Pace family says they're glad they have this video proof of the encounter and can laugh about it now.

David says he'll be more aware and better prepared the next time his new friend comes to visit.

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