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ALIFT Raises Money for Injured Loggers

A nonprofit from our area aims to help loggers injured on the job.

WYOMING COUNTY, Pa. — Timber is a top industry in Pennsylvania, and logging is one of the most dangerous occupations.  When a logger is hurt in the woods he or she is out of work and there is no paycheck.  

"Over the years I've been injured.  I have a plate in this arm.  I've had a broken arm and I've also had a bone in here that got crushed.  So I know what it is to be laid up and no income coming in," Mark Ridall said.

ALIFT stands for "assisting loggers immediately fund trust," and board members say the group is meant to give people "a lift" when they need it.  

"We've been able to help 69 families and we've given out over $120,000 to help them," Jim Soltis said.

"I've personally delivered checks to guys who were injured and to see their wives cry because of the help that it gives them in such a time of need, it is amazing," Ridall said.

The nonprofit is based out of the Tunkhannock area and has been around for about nine years.  

"We're not trying to supplement insurance or replace insurance, it's just, they could buy  groceries, pay the mortgage do what ever they have to do because sometimes it takes a while before the insurance kicks in," Soltis said.

ALIFT has two main fundraisers a year and one of them is coming up very soon.  

Sporting clay enthusiasts are invited to Rock Mountain Sporting Clays near Dimock on September 8th for Logger Appreciation Day.  

Targets, shells and lunch will be provided.  You are asked to bring your own gun and ear protection.  All proceeds go to Alift to help injured loggers.  

For more information, send an email to alifthelp@gmail.com.


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