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Winter storm hits Honesdale

DPW is battling against mother nature to keep the roads clear throughout the recent winter weather.

HONESDALE, Pa. — As the snow began to fall in the borough of Honesdale, Dolores Leopardi, along with her Husky Maia, looked to get a quick walk in before the sidewalks got too bad.

"Well, we haven't had that much snow overall. Over the past couple of years, we've had larger storms, you know, you're a few five or six inches. I don't think it's that great big of a storm. You just have to stay home for the day, that's all," said Dolores Leopardi, Honesdale.

As Leopardi made her way back home, Dan Brown and his crew at the Honesdale DPW were getting in one last check before what he says will be a long night.

"I got guys coming in. We are kind of doing road checks right now to make sure people are, people, are getting home safe, but it's a roll of the dice to see what we're gonna get, the timing of it, and everything like that," said Dan Brown, Honesdale DPW.

Despite many calling it a mild winter Brown says it has not been easy on him or his crew.

"Everybody around town here is saying, 'You guys had an easy winter this year;' well, it's been one of the hardest ones for any plow guy to try to plan, salt, spread. Snow is easiest. You look outside; it snows. We go to work with us for sleet, freezing rain, that the frozen, whether the frozen runoffs and everything it's one of the hardest, a plan, hardest base around and stuff like that," said Brown.

Brown says he and his team will work around the clock to get the job done. 

Doing their best to make sure everything is cleared.

"Please give the plow truck driver some room. We are doing our best, and it's not much we can do with her, just like everybody else," added Brown.

Brown says that the Honesdale DPW plans to be back out around 2 a.m. to start clearing off roads and sidewalks, adding that they should be well prepared for this storm and any other late winter storms that may come this way.

Check out severe weather tips on WNEP’s YouTube channel.

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