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Lewisburg Cemetery Vandalism Discovered

Police in Union County said Wednesday they are close to solving a case of vandalism at a cemetery. Last week caretakers at the Lewisburg Cemetery noticed severa...

Police in Union County said Wednesday they are close to solving a case of vandalism at a cemetery.

Last week caretakers at the Lewisburg Cemetery noticed several tombstones had been pushed over. Most of the tombstones there are more than 100 years old.

Sally Smith visits Lewisburg Cemetery often to spend time at her husband's grave. She said she was upset after finding out someone vandalized several tombstones just a few yards away from her husband's.

"It just breaks my heart to think that anybody," Smith said. "I can't figure out why they'd want to do nasty things."

Last Wednesday the cemetery's caretakers called police after finding more than a dozen tombstones vandalized. Most of the stones date back to the 1800s and early 1900s. Some stones were pushed off of their foundations, and one was broken into pieces.

"Imagine if it was your family and you found some vandal who apparently doesn't care, just pushed your mom or dad's stone over," said Nancy Neuman of Lewisburg Cemetery Association.

Police said there was blood found on at least one of the stones. They said that could be key evidence to solving the crime.

The vandalism is very unsettling for Terry Vanbuskirk of Lewisburg. He has several loved ones buried at the cemetery.

"It don't take too much class to do that. I mean, there's no respect. I don't know if this is the way the world's going, but it doesn't seem to be respect anymore," Vanbuskirk said.

Lewisburg police said they have a good idea of who is responsible for the vandalism. The Lewisburg Cemetery Association said the potential for snow means that fixing the damage will have to wait until spring .

"Well it's our responsibility to keep the cemetery and provide care for the people. Some of these families are long gone so there is nobody to care for them," Neuman added.

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