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Girl raises money for Make-A-Wish trip

Today was a nice day for some lemonade and if you were in the Lewisburg area you might have seen a little girl selling the cold drink.

LEWISBURG, Pa. — It's hard not to smile when you meet Winter Martz of Lewisburg. That's what everyone thought as they stopped by the 7 year old's lemonade stand.

Winter has Joubert syndrome, which is a brain disorder. She's had it since birth.

"It affects their pituitary gland, their breathing, and coordination. Everything you need for day-to-day life," Phylicia Martz said.

Winter and her family have been waiting to go to Disney World through the Make-A-Wish Foundation since 2020, but the program shut down during the pandemic.  

Now that it is up and running again, Winter's trip is scheduled for October.  

"Everything is taken care of and there's really not much for us to think about," Martz said.

Make-A-Wish pays for Winter's trip and one additional activity while she is at Disney World.  

Winter is attending Mickey's Not-so-scary Halloween Party, but she would also like to go to the Bippity Boppity Boutique while she is there.

"Put glitter in their hair, they do their nails, a little bit of makeup. Then they get a Disney princess dress to dress up in and a photo shoot at the end, and it's super sweet," Martz said.

That's where the lemonade stand came in. 

Winter and her siblings sold lemonade and baked goods to raise money for the Bippity Boppity Boutique. Community members came out to support the little girl's wish.

"It's just awesome to be able to have this memory with her and let her experience the world like any other kid and just feel special even when her days are sometimes hard," Martz said.

For more information on how you can help Winter, click here.

You can make a donation through PayPal here.

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