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Community, engine company unite to help firefighter's wife after severe stroke

Firefighters in Union County are raising money for one of their own after a firefighter's young wife had a debilitating stroke.

LEWISBURG, Pa. — Dylan Mattison is a full-time firefighter at William Cameron Engine Company in Lewisburg. One week ago, his life changed forever when his wife Katelynn had a stroke at the age of 27.

Harold Erdley is captain of William Cameron Engine Company and works with Dylan. He says Dylan's health insurance does not cover his wife and Katelynn has no insurance.

"It's that much more catastrophic that someone of that age would suffer a stroke," said Capt. Erdley. "She's had a very debilitating stroke with last known no voluntary muscle movement, so it's deemed critical."

Dylan has not been able to work, as he has been with Katelynn and their two young sons, who are both under the age of 3.

The firefighters are raising money for their coworker and his family. Employees have donated eight weeks of paid time off for Dylan. His fellow firefighters are also volunteering their time to take his shifts.

"Our chief here has arranged an opportunity that other folks can work for him, and he won't have to use any of that PTO time as long as we have someone covering his shifts," Erdley added.

Dylan's coworkers started a GoFundMe page.

Erdley says the family is asking for donations, well wishes, and prayers.

The family in the photo are very close to this group; Dylan is one of our brothers, working B platoon. On July 5th of...

Posted by Lewisburg Professional Firefighters and EMT's on Friday, July 9, 2021

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