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Cat missing eight months now home

Squeaks was returned to the family after a vet discovered his microchip.

UNION COUNTY, Pa. — If cats could talk, Squeaks would probably have a lot to say. The orange cat snuck out of his family's house in Lewisburg eight months ago while work was being done on the home.

"Never showed any interest in going outside. One time, I guess he wanted to see what was going on outside, and even though we knew within a couple of hours he was gone, we never saw him again," Gabrielle Taylor said.

Taylor volunteers at the Scratching Post, a cat rescue in Lewisburg, where she adopted Squeaks.

Taylor put up hundreds of missing posters, and dozens of volunteers helped look for the 2-year-old cat. 

On Tuesday, Taylor got the phone call she'd waited eight months for—Squeaks had been found.

"I was just dumbfounded," Taylor said.

Squeaks had been living in a barn in the Milton area about eight miles away.

"He was swept up in a TNR (trap, neuter, release) activity and found out in Camp Hill yesterday when they were about to neuter him that, gosh, he's already been neutered. And he has a chip. And even better, the chip is registered," Taylor said.

Taylor was contacted after the vet scanned Squeak's microchip.

"No one ever wants to think their cat is going to sneak out a door and not just be right there in the bushes. But if it happens, the microchip is going to be the best chance your cat has to get back to you," Sarah Kline said.

The Scratching Post is hosting a microchipping clinic this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Silvermoon Banquet Hall near Lewisburg.

As for Squeaks, his family is happy to have him home after eight long months.

"So happy for all the volunteers who helped look for him and didn't give up. I'm glad that he had good care apparently while he was gone because he looks pretty healthy to me," Taylor said.

See more pets and animal stories on WNEP’s YouTube playlist. 

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