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Cleaning up abandoned mine site

Newswatch 16's Emily Kress tells us more about the efforts in Susquehanna County.

SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, Pa. — Piles of coal once filled the abandoned mine on Route 247 in forest city. 

Thanks to the efforts of the Department of Environmental Protection,  it's getting cleaned up. 

It gets rid of coal piles, coal refuse piles, and embankments created by the coal companies decades ago," said Colleen Connolly DEP Regional Communications Manager 

DEP crews have been working for months to clean more than 220,000  yards at the site.

The goal is to reduce possible environmental and health impacts. 

"Another reason to get rid of these coal piles and embankments is runoff from them during rain events could impact the Lackawanna River, stain it, impair it if we get rid of the coal piles you'll have nice greenery around it along with erosion and sediment control," explained Connolly. 

The abandoned mine is close to the Rails to Trails recreation area, people like Janelle Zigon bike and walk here every week. 

She appreciates the clean-up efforts.

"It doesn't look great now, but hopefully, in the long run, it will be a nice improvement that more people can use the area and get more use out of the trail and river, said Janelle Zigon of Vandling. 

The Department of Environmental Protection says clean-up efforts will likely continue through next year. 

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