SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, Pa. — Shooters took aim at clay birds Breaking Clays for Kids.
The tournament held at Rock Mountain Sporting Clays near Montrose raises money for the Children's Advocacy Center of Susquehanna & Wyoming Counties.
"It's different, it's not a golf event, it's not other typical types of fundraisers, and it's really embraced by the community," said Sean Gerow, Family Service Association of NEPA CEO.
Teams of four took to the course. More than 60 people participated in the event for a good cause.
"Most of us are outdoors people anyway, and our organization, we try to do as much as we can to help out the local communities," said Richard Hettis, tournament participant.
"Most of these events start small, and they might have had a couple dozen people, and it just grew from there," said Mike Koneski, Rock Mountain Sporting Clays owner.
This is the 8th year for the tournament. All the money raised goes to the Children's Advocacy Center, which offers free services for children and their families as they go through some type of traumatic event.
Janine Fortney is the organization's director in Susquehanna and Wyoming Counties and says hosting an event for a tough subject can be hard, and that's why they had to get creative.
"I know child abuse is not something people are keen on hearing about or talking about. This is a way for people to show their support without having to get so engaged in those details," said Janine Fortney, Children's Advocacy Center of Susquehanna and Wyoming Counties director.
It may be a fundraiser, but it's still a competition.
Awards for top shooters and top teams will be handed out, but most participants said the real winners are the kids the CAC helps.
"There's a little friendly competition here, I think, but I'll be honest with you. We probably won't go and check the scores afterward. I'll be honest," added Hettis.
The event also featured raffles and lunch in Susquehanna County.
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