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The Last Showing at West Coast Video

POTTSVILLE — When was the last time you walked into a video store to rent a movie? It’s probably been a while. That may be why the last video store ...

POTTSVILLE -- When was the last time you walked into a video store to rent a movie? It's probably been a while.

That may be why the last video store in Schuylkill County is gone for good.

"Monday afternoon at 2' o clock I decided, it's time," said Rick Miller.

Miller owned West Coast Video on Market Street in Pottsville for 10 years.

He admits the video store has seen its day because of things like on-demand, Netflix and Red box.

The owner said it was hard to compete and keeping up with the finances was even harder.

Even so, Miller said customers would still come in, every day and his landlord helped out a lot too.

"I thank all of my customers who stuck with me until the end, that's really important to me," said the owner.

A few years ago, Miller's friend Elmer Kramer moved his hobby shop into the video store in an effort to help business.

It didn't work.

"He met me at the door and he shook my hand and said Elmer, we're done and I said OK. I agree with him, it was time," said Kramer.

Former customers said they're not surprised that the shop closed.

Instead, they're surprised Miller was able to keep up with the online movie market for as long as he did.

Don Seitzinger of Schuylkill Haven said, "truly amazing, all the video stores are out. I probably attribute that to his personality."

The owner even said that some of his friends called him a dinosaur for owning a video store. Now everything inside that store is now in the dumpster, but the owner said he has no regrets.

Now everything inside that store is now in the dumpster, but the owner said he has no regrets.

"It's OK, it was time. It's really OK. I'm good with it. Everyone was worried about it, my wife says 'what are you doing to do?' I said, you know, people have told me my golf game needs improvement, so I'm going to try to do that."

The shop on Market Street is officially closed and empty.

Miller even joked that maybe he'll open a bar, saying something like that has more job security.

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