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The big band theory of Tamaqua Area

With 160 Tamaqua Area band members, filling the stands with music for Friday night football is easy.

SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. — The people of Tamaqua are no strangers to the sound of music, especially when it's Friday night football.

For almost a hundred years, students at Tamaqua Area High School have taken to the stands with instruments, keeping up a tradition that spans generations.

"I have a lot of kids where their parents were in it, grandparents. This group will be a hundred years old in about three years,” says Mark Beltz, band director of Tamaqua Area.

"5 of my family members have been in the band. It's just so nice being a part of the band and following in their footsteps," says Andrea Betz, band senior of Tamaqua Area.

It's why 160 out of the nearly 1400 middle and high schoolers in the school district, and in uniforms and plumes, fill stadiums with sound every Friday in Schuylkill County.

Whether it is rain, shine, home, or away for Friday night football.

"It's so amazing sharing our music with other stadiums at other schools and just having a county-wide community for our bands like this."

"Being in a band in this size is just something special because you have so many people to rely on and so many people to play and have fun with," says Bradyn Brothers, band senior.

Not only do band members rely on each other, but the football team also relies on each other.

Sam Bonner, head coach of the Tamaqua Area, says, “Sometimes you don't have as many fans on the road, but when we have 160 band members up there in the stands, we always have to fill the stands. They do a great job for us, they always give us great support, and we've had players in the past who do double duty.”

And some pull double duty in the present, playing an instrument in the stands and football on the field.

Nicholas Barron, band and football senior, says, “When I'm down in the field, and I'm hearing my friends cheer me on, it's really great just to know that there are people everywhere that want me to do great on the field and in the stands."

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