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Ringtown hosts annual 5k this weekend

Newswatch 16's Claire Alfree shows us how this race is not only for runners but anyone looking to be active.

RINGTOWN, Pa. — While the streets of Ringtown may look empty now, this weekend, they will be packed with runners, walkers, and spectators for their 14th annual Ringtown Loop 5K.

It's a race Megan Tomtishen and her family look forward to every year, even if they aren't the most avid runners.

“I wouldn't consider myself a distance runner. I prefer 5K's that are short and sweet, between 30-40 minutes, I'm not the fastest. However, this morning I ran the loop twice,” she said.

What makes this 5K different is that it's meant for non-runners, showing you can still be active and run the race, all at your own pace.

“A few years ago, my grandfather was in his 80s, and he participated and enjoyed it. He just enjoyed seeing the people and helping the park out and walking around the beautiful Ringtown Valley,” added Audra Kufro, Ringtown Loop 5K Organizer.

Kufro calls herself a walker, not a runner, and takes part in the race every year.

She hopes this race makes a 5K seem less intimidating and more enjoyable for participants of all ages.

“No person is telling you to run in a certain period of time, it's really nice that we have people around our community cheering on all of the runners. Including people who are runners, they're coming back running through, cheering on people still running the race or walking,” explained Tomtishen. 

Whether participants are running or walking, they're being active for a cause.

All of the proceeds will go to keeping the Ringtown Recreation Center a safe place where families can be active all year round.

“Just the price of fuel to pay for the lawnmowers, if a swing breaks, we like to have it repaired so children can use it, but those things aren't free, so it does take a small village,” Kufro said.

The race kicks off Saturday at the Ringtown Recreation Center at 9 a.m., right after the kids run fun.

Check out WNEP’s YouTube channel.


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