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Pottsville Prepares Countdown to New Year

POTTSVILLE, Pa. — Garfield Square in Pottsville looked much like it does almost every afternoon with traffic flowing up and down Market Street, but on Tue...

POTTSVILLE, Pa. -- Garfield Square in Pottsville looked much like it does almost every afternoon with traffic flowing up and down Market Street, but on Tuesday night, the scene here will be a little different.

A New Year's Eve celebration will kick off at 11 p.m. Fittingly, it will involve a brand that's synonymous with Schuylkill County's largest city.

"This is exciting, not only for my family but for all of our employees at Yuengling coming off our 190th-anniversary celebration. It's become a little bit of a tradition now to celebrate downtown with our annual New Year's Eve bottle drop," said Jennifer Yuengling.

Pottsville will ring in the new year by raising a 6-foot tall Yuengling bottle. There will also be music and a large electronic clock to start the countdown to 2020.

"The community has been very supportive of us over the last 190 years, so we like to think that one of our resolutions going into 2020 is to continue giving back to our surrounding communities and markets, both within Pennsylvania and our second home in Tampa, Florida," Yuengling said.

At Scanlan Beverage on the other side of the city, customers were in and out getting some drinks so they can ring in the new year in style.

"It's been going real steady, picking up pretty quick now. We're ready for the last rush," said owner Douglas Scanlan.

That last rush before we enter a brand-new decade.

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