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Bike Run to Benefit Child with Rare Disorder

Gabriel Yeager was born with Fatco Syndrome and this weekend there is a bike run to raise money for him.

MINERSVILLE, Pa. — Three-year-old Gabriel Yeager of Minersville loves playing with his cousin, but sometimes he has a little trouble getting around. Gabriel has Fatco Syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that affects his limbs. From the hips down, Gabriel has a lot of issues.

"He was born without a right fibula bone on the side.  His tibia bones on both sides of his legs are really short.  His femur bones are only about the size of my pinky," Dawn Kroh said.

Gabriel's mom, Dawn, says if he is lucky, Gabriel will be about four feet tall as an adult.  He's had three major surgeries so far and needs another one in January.

"He'll have a total hip reconstruction on the right side, and they're going to check the left side.  They're not sure if there's enough material to work with.  They've discussed with us the possibility of amputation," Kroh said.

The family has had to travel from Minersville to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia 77 times over the last three years.  Gabriel is soon getting a wheelchair and needs ramps in his house.  There is a fundraiser this Saturday to raise money for the family.  The bike run is at Whipporwill Dam Park near Frackville, rain or shine at 11 am.  

"We have basket raffles, we have music entertainment, we have food, drinks," Kroh said.

If you'd like to help Gabriel Yeager and can't make it to the fundraiser, there is an account set up in his name:

CACL Federal Credit Union

1800 W Market Street

Pottsville, PA


C/O Gabriel Yeager

 You can follow his journey here.


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