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Zander's story | Team Allied Services and You

Newswatch 16's Chelsea Strub shows us a 6-year-old pediatric patient who plays with his therapist at Allied Services as part of his treatment plan.

SCRANTON, Pa. — Spend one physical therapy session with 6-year-old Zander, and you will find no challenge or obstacle course is too difficult to overcome.

"So I actually count to like 20 minutes, and then I actually made it in time," explained Zander.

"He does like games, anything involving competition or, you know because he's got to win," joked Zander's mother, Crystal Eastman.

For Zander, many moments of therapy are considered wins at the John P Moses Esq. Pediatric Rehab Center in Scranton.

"It's SIJA, so it's systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis. So he has an arthritic condition that just basically, they don't know where it comes from, but it's like it's all over his body, and it kind of pops up in different places, but mainly his knees, elbows, hips, neck,' explained his mother.

So Zander comes here twice a week for therapy to help him with his movement, speech, and the everyday, necessary tasks of a 6-year-old.

"He does like to chat it up, and he's funny. You know, he's just such a he's a lively kid," she said.

"Okay, so I like to play baseball," said Zander.

"On the way home, it's just all excitement because he does. He gets fired up when he's here, and he just loves to. He loves that activity," added Eastman.

Zander's mother is pleased he can play this game, which brings him joy and gives him the confidence to be himself here in his own backyard.

"We're very grateful for the close proximity to our house. I mean, it's maybe 20-25 minutes, and nothing's been that close or easily accessible like this has," said Crystal.


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