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Sunbury names a new acting police chief, says Chief Hare is currently unavailable

The situation raises many questions as this is the third police chief in the last ten years.

SUNBURY, Pa. —  

After an executive session late Thursday afternoon, Sunbury Mayor Josh Brosious announced new leadership in the city's police department.

"Our current chief of police is currently unavailable. We are placing Sergeant Travis Bremigen as the acting chief of police until further notice that's all I can make comment on at this time on this issue." said Mayor Brosious 

This isn't the first time there's been a shakeup in the department's highest position, Newswatch 16 has been covering the changes for years:


  • 2014: Hare was originally appointed by council as police chief in Sunbury. He replaced then-Chief Mazzeo, who was demoted. 
  • 2015: 17 months later, Hare resigned from his post after multiple internal investigations into the police department. At that time, Tim Miller took over for Hare as chief. 
  • 2018:  Chief Miller took a medical leave of absence; Hare again was designated as interim chief.
  • 2019:  Hare was officially hired as full time chief again.


In the last 10 years, there have been three different police chiefs here in the city of Sunbury. Newswatch 16 spoke with community members who say that can create a disconnect between the police chief and residents.


"They don't get to know the people and they don't get to know the situation of the town in as far as I'm concerned." said John Divler. 


Divler moved to Sunbury three years ago, and in that time he's heard of two different police chiefs, something he thinks is out of the ordinary in a community like this.

"I'm originally from up around Montgomery, Muncy area and everybody knew who the chief of police was because they were there for so long." he said.


City officials are not saying why Chief Hare has become unavailable until further notice. Mayor Brosious told Newswatch when he is legally allowed to release information to the public he will.


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