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Shikellamy High School girls bowling team strikes big

The Shikellamy High School girls bowling team placed second in the national championship this week. One team member even won the individual title.

NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — Championship banners line the walls at Strike Zone in Sunbury. The Shikellamy High School girls' bowling team has had a successful few years, but this one is the icing on the cake. The team finished second in the National High School Girls Bowling Championship.

"It's still the best finish in school history so I couldn't be more proud of them," Mark Derr said.

The team was undefeated this season, winning both the regional and state championships.  

"It was very exciting for us.  This was my first year going to nationals with my team and everything.  It was very new to me, a little chaotic.  We all enjoyed it," Kennedy Rudy said.

"Especially because of the great season we already had and to walk away with second at a national championship is pretty exciting," Emma Fetterman said.

In addition to the second-place finish, Shikellamy Senior Emma Fetterman has something else to celebrate.  She WON the singles competition, making her the National High School Girls Bowling Champion. 

"It was my last shot and I wanted to make the best out of it and we did," Fetterman said.

Like all of her teammates, Emma has been bowling since she was a young child.  She won the title with a score of 258.

"It's really exciting.  It's the biggest event of the year for high school so it's really exciting to win that.  Were you nervous?  A little bit going into it but once I started bowling I kind of forgot about the nerves and I went back to what I know how to do," Fetterman said.

The girls say they grew up bowling together and their tight bond helped them do so well this season.  

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