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Cross-country motorcycle run helping Pakistani youth

A man from Milton has made it his mission to build schools in Pakistan. He recently rode his motorcycle cross-country to raise money for his cause.

MILTON, Pa. — Craig Wheeland of Milton has been doing mission trips for about seven years. Last year, he delivered motorcycles to some pastors in Pakistan and was upset by what he saw.

" I saw real-life slavery. They took me out to these brick kilns. The family borrows a little money. They sign a contract, and they have to work at a brick kiln until they pay off the money," Wheeland said.

Wheeland wanted to help the children he met in Pakistan.

" My friends and I got together, raised $5,000, worked with the Pakistani pastors I was helping. We got a one-room schoolhouse (and) 43 kids started. For about $5,000, I can educate them for a year," Wheeland said.

But Wheeland knew he could help a lot more kids. Last week, he and his friend John Horstman took a cross-country motorcycle ride to try and raise money to buy land for a school in Pakistan.

"48 states in ten days, about 9,000 miles. I had a buddy go with me. The whole idea was to raise interest and make awareness," Wheeland said.

Horstman's motorcycle broke down during the trip, so the two did not make it through all 48 states. But Wheeland says they saw a lot of the country.

" The best part was the Rockies. I'm a mountain guy, I'm not a beach guy, and I made it to the Rockies," Wheeland said.

Wheeland raised about $8,000 of his $23,000 goal. He leaves for Pakistan this week and will document his trip.

" Let people see what I saw. Just go to the school, show them the kids and the living conditions, maybe go to another brick kiln where the kids aren't in school and let them see the kids out working," Wheeland said.

If you'd like to help Wheeland raise money to build the school, click here.  

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