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Colorful new addition to Watsontown honors nonprofit leader

A mural is being painted on the Kingdom Kidz building in memory of the group's former general manager.

WATSONTOWN, Pa. — Artists were busy painting the outside of this former church in Watsontown on Wednesday. They are putting a mural on the building, which is the home of Kingdom Kidz.

Donna Bridge started Kingdom Kidz 25 years ago as a puppet ministry and it's expanded into both puppetry and a safe kids program.

"Children can come and be creative and have it in a positive atmosphere with volunteers who are encouraging them and loving them," Bridge said.

The idea for the mural came from the longtime general manager of Kingdom Kidz, Lisa Derr, who died unexpectedly last October.

"This was one of the final things that I could do to bring some remembrance to Lisa and some honor, so I'm seeing the project through."

The mural will say, "Do small things with great love," as a tribute to Derr.

"We said, 'We've got to get Miss Lisa's puppet up there,'" said muralist Sara Bordner. "So, in that way, we're honoring her as well. There's also going to be a special note on this side of the building behind me, 'In loving memory of Miss Lisa.'"

Bordner and McKenna Myers will also paint a hopscotch on the sidewalk.

"Sara and McKenna will draw the outline and the students are going to paint it. What a great way for them to experience their craft and their ability, too," Bridge said.

The mural is being paid for by donations and grant money. Bridge says it should be finished by the end of this month.

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