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Children receive adaptive bicycles in Northumberland County

Newswatch 16's Nikki Krize shows us how children with physical limitations are getting their very own bicycles.

NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, Pa. — Summer is a great time for riding bicycles, but that's something 10-year-old William Jones of Sunbury has never been able to do.

"He's always wanted to ride bikes with kids his age and hasn't been able to," said Laurie Jones, Sunbury.

Until now that is. William is one of seven kids who received an adaptive bicycle from the nonprofit Variety, the Children's Charity.

"These bikes are customized just for them so that anyone can ride a bike, with any ability, so anyone can be out there in the park with their family and friends," said Deanna David, Variety, the Children's Charity of Pittsburgh.

The children were fitted for their bikes and picked out the colors. On Tuesday they got to see them and ride them for the first time. For most of these kids, this is their first bicycle. William Jones even has a customized helmet, "My teacher did this to it. 'So you're all ready to go?' "Yeah!"

And off they went!

"He'll have the opportunity to be outside and ride bikes and not get as frustrated as what he was with a regular bike," said Laurie.

"It's a really big day. We're really excited," said Felicia Martz.

7-year-old Winter Martz of Lewisburg could not wait to get on her new bike.

"It's just really exciting that she gets to have a bike that works for her, get out and exercise and do things as a family. It just gives her another thing to be a typical kid," said Felicia.

Since 2012, Variety has given away more than 5,000 adaptive bicycles and strollers to children in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. 

For information on how to apply for a bike, head to their website by clicking here.

Check out WNEP’s YouTube channel.  

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