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A life-saving donation in Danville

Two men from Danville are learning the true meaning of friendship as one prepares to donate a portion of his liver to the other.

DANVILLE, Pa. — Brian Witmer and Danny Gable of the Danville area have been friends for about 20 years. Witmer is a former fire chief and Danville borough council president and has been dealing with cirrhosis of the liver for nearly a decade. 

About a year and a half ago, Brian found out he would need a liver transplant. 

"It got to a point where I said to him things aren't good," Brian said.

"I always told him if there is anything I can do, if you want to talk about it I'll listen, just kind-of be there for him," Danny said.

A few months ago, Danny talked to his family about donating part of his liver to Brian.

"It will regenerate back to its original size.  The piece that Brian receives will also regenerate back to its original size," Danny said.

Danny got tested and found out he is a perfect match.

"Overwhelmed.  I just couldn't believe that he would go out of his way to do that.  That's a true friend," Brian said.

"If you can give and help, you should do it.  I'm simply doing nothing more than what my parents raised me to do.  If you see someone in need, help them out," Danny said.

The surgery is scheduled for October 31st at UPMC in Pittsburgh.  Danny must stay and recover for about two weeks...Brian, two months.  

"It's a short-term sacrifice for a long-term benefit," Danny said.

There are a number of fundraisers being held for Brian and Danny's trip to Pittsburgh.  This Sunday at 4:30, Danville's Washington Fire and Hose Company is hosting bingo, with all of the proceeds going to the friends' trip.  Brian says the support is humbling.

"I'm used to being the person who helps.  I'm not used to being the person who needs help," Brian said.

For information on how you can help the two click here.

Check out WNEP’s YouTube channel.  

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