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What is Windows 10?

STROUDSBURG — Windows 10: that’s what the tech world is talking about and it could mean some big changes for your PC. It’s out with the old and in with th...

STROUDSBURG -- Windows 10: that’s what the tech world is talking about and it could mean some big changes for your PC.

It’s out with the old and in with the new. Microsoft plans to roll out a new computer operating system beginning July 29 at midnight. It’s called Windows 10, and it's the first big upgrade since Windows 8.1.

"They decided to skip 9 because this is a whole new leap and it's pretty much the gap between 7 and 8 and bridging them together,” said network engineer Jesse Laflair.

Laflair works at Access Office Technologies in Stroudsburg and says he’s helped many people with Windows 7 and Windows 8 problems. The new upgrade is free for those users.

"If your computer is fully up to date, they will actually automatically update Windows 10 for you, automatically, you don't have to do anything,” said Laflair.

A small alert at the bottom of your computer screen could show up at any time in the next few weeks as Windows 10 is rolled out in waves.

A Sound Strategy in Stroudsburg builds and designs websites for lots of local businesses including Dunklebergers, The Chamber of Commerce, and the Stroudsmoor Inn.

The people at A Sound Strategy say Windows 10 is a system they’re looking forward to exploring.

"It looks exciting. They kind of took the best of Windows 8 and really kind of integrated it into what people really loved about Windows 7,” said Jeter.

Even though these computer experts are excited, they know flaws in a new system are inevitable and may have to make adjustments along the way.

"You're not going to be able to catch everything. Hopefully it's not that radical of a difference,” said Jeter.

One of the bigger changes: no more Internet Explorer. Tech experts say this could be a good change and expect a better browser to take its place.

You can learn more about A Sound Strategy on their website.

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