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Veterans honored by students in the Poconos

It was a day to honor and celebrate our nation's heroes at Pleasant Valley Elementary School.

MONROE COUNTY, Pa. — Waving them high above their heads, American flags as far as the eye could see, all to honor those who are back home and still serving our country.

Nearly 900 students lined the hallways at Pleasant Valley Elementary School in Polk Township to celebrate more than 50 veterans and their families with a parade.

"They help us, and they free our country so we can have freedom and were not in war," said Brooklyn Regina, a second grader. 

Inside the gymnasium, students packed the bleachers, belting out patriotic songs, all to support their local heroes. 

"The first song we sang was My Country 'Tis of The, and the other song was You're a Grand Ole Flag," said Victoria Uhler, second grader. 

The William Allen ROTC and a bagpiper were added to the celebration this year. 

Emily Murphy is one of the school counselors who also helps organize the event.

"We start very early as soon as we get back to school, and we start the planning process and working collaboratively with our staff, administrators, and specialists to make sure that it's a day that we can really show all of our respect and care for our veterans," said Murphy.  And they truly feel it. 

These servicemen and women are family members of students in the school near Brodheadsville. 

All of them were grateful to be able to spend the day with family. 

"It's fulfilling because they're proud of me. It's like my mom's here, my mom's a veteran. So it makes me feel good," said Loan Paulin, a U.S. Army soldier. 

"It's wonderful. It's nice to see the patriotism, and the kids did a wonderful job," said Michael McShane, a U.S. Army Soldier. 

All of this, to say one simple phrase, "Thank you for your service," said a Pleasant Valley Elementary school teacher. 

"I hope that it's a day where we can kind of pause and make sure that we remember our veterans and value," said Murphy. 

Because, after all, our veterans are the heart of America.

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