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Price of heating oil skyrockets

Not only are we seeing some of the largest jumps at the pump, but also when heating our homes.

STROUDSBURG, Pa. — While the winter is slowly starting to wind down, the price to heat your home with oil is on the rise.

Homeowners like John Weis of Stroudsburg are feeling the pinch.

"We don't even know until we get a bill as to how much oil costs. They won't send it to us for a week, but I'm sure it's high. The last one that we just got was almost $700, and that's because we used a lot of oil because February was so cold," said Weis.

Sal Furino is the owner of Furino Fuels in Swiftwater. He says, from last week to this, the price of heating oil went up from just about $4 to over $5 a gallon.

"Every morning, it's going up because generally, we get a price change in the mornings. Now it's been like during the day. I've been getting them from the terminal saying that it went up another 20, 30 cents a gallon," said Furino.

In the more than 35 years Furino has been in business, he says he's never seen oil prices this high.

"Honestly, if it keeps getting up and up, it's going to get to the point where we can't afford to buy it to give it to them," Furino said. "Because we can only buy so many gallons at such a price."

As oil prices continue to rise, homeowners say they're looking for other ways to heat their homes other than filling the oil tank.

"We use the fireplace. I have a generator. We also use propane, so I use more than just oil, so I'm not stuck on oil," said David Smith of Stroudsburg.

While people wait for the price to come down, they believe they don't have a choice other than to pay up.

"If you want to stay warm, that's what you have to do," said Weis.

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