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New enclosures needed at Pocono Wildlife

The wildlife rehab center is putting out a call to the community to help rebuild homes for its ambassador animals.

MONROE COUNTY, Pa. — Staff at the Wilderz at Pocono Wildlife Rehabilitation Center make their rounds for all of the animals in their care.

"She's an absolute sweetheart, she just loves people," 

Manager Ella Irwin is talking about Poppy the Porcupine.

Poppy is a captive bred porcupine and has been an ambassador animal at the center for three years.

"They go out on programs, and they serve here as permanent ambassadors for people to see when they are on tours. So, without having these animals present, people don't see how beautiful they are, how important they are, what roles they play in our environment and eco systems," explained Irwin. 

Over the years, the roof of Poppy's enclosure has worn down. Now staff are tasked with building her a new one that fits all of her needs before winter comes. 

Manager Ella Irwin tells Newswatch 16 the new one will cost the non-profit more than $8,000. 

"We're going to have one side of the cage completely open so she can look up at the stars, see the sun, sunbathe and then the other half will be fully roofed in to prevent her from the elements, so she'll have the opportunity to go inside or outside," said Irwin. 

Staff at Pocono Wildlife have worked for months to build and expand on these enclosures for the educational animals like one for birds. Managers say there are even more projects that need to be done.

"The other enclosure that we do not have the funding to renovate is our Raven enclosure we at this time have two ravens," said Irwin. 

The raven enclosure is expected to cost an additional $8,000 dollars. 

For more information on how you can help Pocono Wildlife with these projects, click here. 

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