Nearly 250 volunteers, took to the streets of their local communities, to help clean up.
Newswatch 16 found people in Stroud Township.
The effort is all apart of the 3rd annual Pick Up The Pocono's day.
This year's cleanup involved all four counties within the Pocono Mountains .. Monroe, Wayne, Pike, and Carbon Counties.
"In our lives today there are so many problems that seem so huge and insurmountable. This is something that everyone can contribute too and make a difference with," The Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau President, Chris Barrett said.
The litter cleanup is organized by the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau.
The organization received help from several agencies including PennDOT, Waste Management, and Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
With no college football at East Stroudsburg University this fall .. team members were able to lend some extra hands.
"I hope we help influence the community and help the show and create a positive outlook and just taking care of the place we live in, East Stroudsburg University football player Jake Cirillo said.
With ever grab, Volunteers say they feel good knowing that they're cleaning up the community, that they call home.
"I was born and raised here in the Poconos, so this is my home and anything that we can do to make it look better makes me feel better as well and it makes it attractive so people want to come here," Stroud Township Supervisor Jennifer Shukaitus said.
Community members say it's nice to know that people want to keep the Poconos clean and green.
"I think it says a lot about a community that you know wants to keep out community looking good. I'm very appreciative of the crews that are out here cleaning up our road and we do it as well so uh it's good to have that extra support," Stroudsburg resident, Marty Diorio said.
Organizers say keeping the community clean is as simple as...
"Don't litter, and be very very cautious and pick up behind you. But secondly, if you see something pick it up it's great for you, it'll make you feel great and it's great for the environment," Barrett said.
If you would like to volunteer for future clean-ups and litter safety tips- click HERE.