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Inmate manhunt reminds Pocono residents of Eric Frein search

A massive search in northwestern Pennsylvania by federal, state, and local police is all too familiar for folks in part of Monroe County.

MOUNTAINHOME, Pa. — The manhunt more than 250 miles away in western Pennsylvania is on the minds of many at the Mountainhome Diner in Barrett Township.

Similar circumstances surrounding the search for Warren County jail escapee Michael Burham are reminding them about the search for Eric Frein.

Burham is a suspect in a homicide case and a rape case. He was being held on arson and burglary charges when he escaped Thursday.

"He might be heading down this way, and I texted both of my children. I just gave them the heads-up. I know the chances are very unlikely, but they're still there. He's a dangerous man," Frank Sorrentino said.

State police call Burham a self-taught survivalist.

Back in 2014, troopers said the same thing about Eric Frein. Frein killed one state trooper and severely injured another in an ambush outside the Blooming Grove barracks in September of that year.

He led police on a 48-day manhunt, hiding from troopers in the woods before he was caught at the old Birchwood Resort in Pocono Township in October.

Jackie Jasko is a waitress at the diner and worked there during the Frein search.

"The helicopters were around every single night, and the police were there. My Freind actually couldn't get to her house one night. They wouldn't let her up because they thought that Eric was up that way. It was just a bunch of chaotic nonsense with him. But I can't imagine these people going through what we went through."

During the Frein search, the Barrett Township Volunteer Fire Company turned into a command post for police.

Grover Cleveland, Barrett Township's assistant fire chief, was the fire chief during the Frein search. He worked closely with state police Lt. Col. George Bivens during that time. Bivens is now leading the search for Burham.

"For something up like up there with a small-town feel, I can imagine they're going through the same thing we did, and it's just back to the community support. I mean, that's what's going to help the officers do their job better."

Those who live in Barrett Township say they feel for the people of Warren and hope Burham is caught soon.

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