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Hiking in the Poconos heat

Despite the 90-degree weather, plenty of people were out on the trail.

DELAWARE WATER GAP, Pa. — With every step along the Appalachian Trail in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, it only got hotter for those climbing it. 

Despite the 90-degree weather, plenty of people were out on the trail. 

"It was brutal today, for sure. The hike was amazing. It's my favorite hike in New Jersey, I would say. I've done it about 30 times," said Ahmed Elwakkad from Old Bridge, New Jersey.

While some went for a leisure hike, others, like Jenny Bian and her husband, are using one of the hottest days this Summer as training for an upcoming hiking trip to Mount Blanc in the French Alps. 

"So we never backpacked. So this is a big step for us. We hike regularly on Saturdays, and that's about it, and we've been training ourselves going up twice," Bian said from Randolph. 

Because the weather the past couple of weeks hasn't been nice, Bian said when she saw the sun in the forecast, it was time to hike. 

But she knew she had to come prepared to beat the heat. 

"Shade, sunglasses, hat. Drink a lot of water. Drink a lot of water and take a lot of rest. Like we take breaks in between," Bian said. 

This couple from New Jersey decided to spilt Tasks. 

One brought snacks, the other a game plan on how to stay cool. 

"I get very hungry, so I brought a little protein bar, my large water here, and that's it. I'm hoping for the best," said Kallie Walsh, from Long Beach Island, New Jersey.

"Maybe we'll find a waterfall or stream along the way and stay cool that way. The Mountain water is always a little colder," said Tyler Szwed, from Long Beach Island, New Jersey. 

Hikers say they are taking advantage of the warmer temperatures because we haven't had many this year. 

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