STROUDSBURG, Pa. — With four paws on the pavement, three-year-old Jackson couldn't be happier on his walk in Monroe County.
But his owner, Nicole Murray, would love to be able to take him to a space in the borough designated just for him.
She says a dog park is needed.
"Everybody and anybody that enjoys, you know, having a dog and being outside. You know there's not a lot of places that I can take him," said Murray.
But soon enough, there will be.
Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Commission just launched a fundraising campaign to create a dog park.
It will feature six-foot-high fences with one section for larger dogs and one for smaller dogs.
Some trees will be added, along with benches, so dog owners can have a seat.
"All the time we get the calls, where can I take my dog? If there is a dog park, the ones that we can send them to are pretty far away and especially for folks that are living in more of our downtown areas, they don't have yards, but they have the dogs sit they need somewhere to take them safely, to get some fun some exercise and socialization," said Autumn Hawthorne, the Executive Director of Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Commission.
The field at Glen Park in Stroudsburg has sat vacant for several years. That's why it only made sense for Stroud Region Open Space and Recreation Commission to choose the area for the dog park.
"We've got hikers and bikers that go out on the trails, but the field itself, for the vast majority of the time, is one of most underutilized recreation resources in the area. So we need a dog park, and we need something to do with this field. So it works perfectly," Hawthorne said.
Dog owners are thrilled to hear a park for their pooch is in the works, especially the two sides of the park.
"It's just perfect because Jackson here, you have his issues. He's afraid of bigger guys, so that will be ideal," Murray said.
The hope is to open the dog park next year.
The project will cost about $50,000.
If you would like to donate or learn more about the dog park campaign, click here.
The Willowtree Inn Restaurant is hosting a trivia night on the second Thursday of every month to raise funds for the dog park.
See more pets and animal stories on WNEP’s YouTube playlist.