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Celebrating pride in the Poconos

Newswatch 16's Emily Kress shows us what's in store for this year's celebration in Stroudsburg.

STROUDSBURG, Pa. — LGBTQ+ flags are flying on Main Street in Stroudsburg as Sunday kicks off the fifth annual Pocono Pride Festival.

"Pocono Pride Fest is just a celebration of love, inclusivity, and just providing an equitable event that everyone can attend—whether you are gay, bi, lesbian, trans, straight, or an ally," said Michael Moreno, a co-founder of the festival.

Last year's festival drew more than 5,000 people to Courthouse Square. Organizers say they expect nearly 8,000 people to show off their pride this year.

With a bigger crowd comes more to see and do.

"We now have two stages which means double the number of performers. Last year, we had 70 vendors. This year, we have 125," Moreno said.

Also new this year—the Pocono Pride Festival is expanding onto Sixth Street. Organizers say that there will be lots of activities planned for the kids.

"We have a family-friendly, fun kids' space. Thank you to Strasser's, who donated 1,700 square feet of grass that we are going to lay down on the road so kids can hear story time with drag queens and youth cabarets. We'll be doing face painting, glitter tattoos, balloon twisting," Moreno said.

Businesses on Sixth Street say they're excited to welcome the crowd to their corner of the borough.

"A lot of people stick to Main Street. A lot of people don't take that walk down the side streets, and I think it's important having this festival, Pride Fest, this weekend on Sunday, will help draw a different crowd and for people to see that there is a lot more to explore," said Kurt Cummings, owner of Wingz and a Prayer.

The Pocono Pride Festival will be held on Sunday in Stroudsburg from noon until 5 p.m.

We are so excited for #PoconoPrideFestival2024! On our site, we have a full list of what is new, a tentative schedule...

Posted by Pocono Pride Festival on Friday, May 31, 2024

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