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Documenting the damage after fire in the Poconos

In Monroe County, businesses impacted by a major fire over the weekend are receiving some support.

MONROE COUNTY, Pa. — After a devastating fire at the Fountain Court Shopping Center near Bartsonville, Subway owner Lionel Wong sat inside the Pocono Township municipal building, reporting everything his business lost in the flames.

"It's been like a home to us for the last five years, and suddenly it's gone," Wong said.

Staff members from the Monroe County Office of Emergency Management and Pocono Township officials helped business owners fill out surveys to document the loss and damage their businesses sustained.

Like Wong, nail salon owner Kim Gran lost everything.

"Right now, I feel really bad now, so I cannot think about anything good," Gran said.

Linda Trocchio, a client of Gran's, brought her to the township building to help her pick up the pieces.

"She's a good person, and you know, she comes from Vietnam, and she really doesn't have anybody here. All her family is back home, so she needs help," Trocchio said. "She worked seven days a week. It was everything to her."

Township officials say business owners have two more days to report losses.

"We've also had a very indirect meeting with the chamber of commerce to see if there are any tips, ARPA funds, or any kind of very small loans that we could give the business owners. Hold them over; keep them here; relocate anything that we can do. I mean, it's going to have an economic impact on Pocono Township," said Jerrod Belvin, Pocono Township director of emergency services.

Officials hope that several businesses reporting losses will increase the chances of receiving some federal loans to help businesses recover.

Business owners are grateful the township is supporting and trying to help them.

"Hopefully, we will get some help in getting some income going in the meantime until we get the business up and going again, you know, rebuild our lives and rebuild our business," Wong said.

Businesses impacted by the fire have until Thursday at 4:30 p.m. to report losses to Pocono Township.

An investigation into what caused the fire is still underway.

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