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Beekeeping buzz in Monroe County

Smithfield Township will soon have a place where beginner beekeepers can start their own colonies.

MONROE COUNTY, Pa. — The honey bees are hard at work at Waterfront Park, bringing pollen back to the hive. Smithfield Township started two of its own hives several years ago with the help of Erik Diemer, who is a local beekeeper. 

"It was a great program; we got started, we had the garden where people could rent out a space and have their own little garden, and so bees fit right into it," said Erik Diemer. 

"There is a lot of interest in beekeeping here in Monroe County, and there is a wide diversity of flora resources, and we are right next to the Marshalls Creek, so it's the perfect location," said Alex Jackson, the township's director of conservation and recreation. 

Jackson says because of all the buzz around beekeeping, the township was awarded a grant through the county to allow people who live in the township to have a place to start their own honey bee hives. 

"Not all residents have access to property where they can keep bees. Either they don't have the infrastructure, maybe they have an apartment or live in an HOA," said Jackson. 

The expanded fenced-in area can hold ten more colonies. Officials say they are still ironing out some details of how the new program will work but will start bringing in more colonies in the spring. 

"It's also educational. There is a lot to learn. There is botany, bee biology, and I think through the process, folks are not only going to have this time outside to enjoy the sun, but they are also going to learn more about the natural area," said Jackson. 

In the meantime, Diemer says people who are interested in beekeeping can also join the Monroe County Beekeepers Association. 

The group has monthly meetings at the Hughes Library in Stroudsburg.

"It's a free club to join. It's very social; you get to talk to other beekeepers, some of who are probably your neighbors, and we have a topic each month that talks about what's important for beekeeping here in the Poconos," explained Diemer. 

Anyone interested in getting their own hive started can reach out to Smithfield Township.

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