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More federal money for Williamsport flood protection

A floodwater protection project in Williamsport is one step closer.

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — The Greater Williamsport Levee is about 11 miles long and protects billions of dollars of assets in Lycoming County.

According to Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter, the levee has not been repaired in about 50 years. But that will soon change, thanks to $8 million in federal funding.

"With this $8 million earmark, we're able to get started, and all of the burden of that money is not placed solely on the city or county. This is a great help financially to the taxpayers and citizens of Williamsport," Mayor Derek Slaughter said.

The levee will soon get repairs and upgrades as part of a nationwide mandate to keep all levees up to date and safe after Hurricane Katrina.

"Relief wells, pump stations, all the different pieces to the levee that have to be, we have to do these improvements in order to get it recertified and reaccredited. That $8 million is critical to get that process started," Mayor Slaughter said.

"The investment will bring a measure of security and a measure of peace of mind to the people of Williamsport that they should have a right to expect. When they send their dollars to Washington, they should see some of it coming back," U.S. Sen. Bob Casey said.

Sen. Casey and other officials toured the Hepburn Street pump station, and Casey spoke about the damage flooding can cause.

"Communities throughout the northeast and northcentral part of our state were devastated, especially with Agnes in '72, 2011 as well," Sen. Casey said.

Williamsport City Council plans to discuss the levee project at its next meeting. It's unclear when the work will start.

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