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Students donate blankets to Project Linus

Montgomery High School students in Lycoming County are ensuring that kids who are struggling can stay warm this holiday season.

MONTGOMERY, Pa. — Every child deserves a warm blanket—that's the goal of the nonprofit Project Linus, which provides blankets for sick, hurt, and traumatized children.

"Pediatric wards, emergency rooms, homeless shelters, needy, anywhere we find them," said Pat Warren, Susquehanna Valley coordinator for Project Linus.

The central Susquehanna Valley chapter meets at Faith Lutheran Church near Lewisburg.

Warren says all of the blankets are handmade.

"A quilt, knit or crochet, or the knotted fleece that the kids made."

This year alone, the Central Susquehanna Valley Chapter of Project Linus has delivered more than 2,300 blankets.

That wouldn't be possible without donations like the one from National Honor Society students from Montgomery High School, who delivered 112 blankets.

"We got twelve clubs in total that worked together to gather kits, and then we did a blanket day of our own and made a lot of them," said Jessica Carpenter, the group's advisor.

The students were happy to help other kids.

"Be a part of something that's bigger than us, especially during the holidays," said senior Brynn Fisher. "It's just something amazing that we were all able to do for kids that we don't even know, put a smile on somebody else's face during the holiday season."

"It allows you to realize that if everyone comes together to help people, we can spread so much kindness and support," said senior Miranda Stoner.

"It gives them a chance to reach out to other hurting kids," Warren added. "They can make a difference."

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