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Route 220 project resumes

The $40.9 million project includes constructing u-turns, left turn jug handles, deceleration and acceleration lanes and improvements along the mainline pavement.

LYCOMING COUNTY, Pa. — The multi-year $41 million project on Route 220 in central Pennsylvania is once again underway. The project began in 2020.

"It is from the Fourth Street interchange in Williamsport up to the (Route) 287 interchange in Jersey Shore," said Jake Shoup, a PennDOT project manager.

According to PennDOT, crews will work on replacing structures crossing Larry's Creek and Quenshukeny Run.

"We are going to be a little bit more heavy in bridge work this year. Where last year the focus was a lot more on the acceleration, and deceleration lanes, u-turns, and jug handles," added Shoup.

The multi-year project aims to increase both speed and safety for those commuting to and from Williamsport. However, not everyone supports the project.

"I am all about safety, but the changes they made out here on Route 220 has not been very favorable to the people who live along the highway," said Dale Robinson, the owner of Henry's BBQ in Linden.

Henry's BBQ sits along Route 220, heading into Williamsport. The owner tells Newswatch 16 that PennDOT removed a crossover lane in front of his restaurant, and it has affected business.

"The problem is that if you are coming from the Williamsport area headed towards Jersey Shore, you cannot stop in here without a big detour. You have to come in and head a mile down the road to turn around and go back, and people won't do that, especially with gas at $4.50 a gallon," added Robinson.

While construction is ongoing, there will be some restrictions for drivers and construction crews.

"The contractor cannot be on the road from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and similarly in the evening when traffic is leaving Williamsport and heading home from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.," said Shoup.

Starting March 28 on Route 220 between the Jersey Shore exit and the Fourth Street interchange near Williamsport, the speed limit will be reduced by 10 miles per hour, which will remain in place through November.

Work will begin near Larry's Creek on April 4. Drivers will have to use Route 287 as a detour.

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