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Park in Williamsport reopens after renovations

Williamsport is renovating many of its playgrounds and parks. One of them reopened to the public Thursday after being closed for nearly nine months.

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — Children spent the morning playing at Lose Park in Williamsport, which is something they have not been able to do in a long time. 

The park had been closed for renovations.

"We came here once over a year ago, and it was kind of rundown," said Jarrod Newman, Williamsport.

The park now has new equipment, lights, basketball courts, a community garden, and is ADA-accessible.

The $500,000 project was paid for with grant money.

"Now folks can enjoy it the way parks were meant to be enjoyed without having to worry about any public safety or broken equipment. It's very gratifying," said Mayor Derek Slaughter, Williamsport.

Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter says several city parks and playgrounds are being renovated.

"The parks, they were just rundown. Kids couldn't play on them. Families couldn't enjoy them. Everything that we're doing, now you see all of that come to fruition. Seeing the kids this morning already enjoying the park," said Mayor Slaughter.

Jarrod Newman's son Nico also enjoyed the playground, "Are you having a good time?" 'Yeah.'

"I saw that the fences were down yesterday, so I knew we had to come here today. He's already having a blast," said Newman.

The children say they're looking forward to playing at the park as much as possible this summer.

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