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Groups see increase in domestic violence during holidays

An organization that provides support to victims of domestic violence now faces a financial crisis in order to meet the demand.

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — Officials at the YWCA Northcentral in Williamsport say the organization is experiencing an increase in clients as more and more domestic violence victims seek help around the holidays.

"It is because of the financial stress, familial stress, a lot of pressure to get gifts, and a lot of pressure to have family events," said Grace Maneval-Dipallo.

The YWCA says this seems to be a national issue.

"Stress factors can cause people to get more angry, and especially lash out at the people they love."

The organization offers many programs for those suffering from abuse. Victims are encouraged to reach out.

"We provide counseling services, life-skill training, advocacy, both in hospitals and courtrooms, working with individuals to make sure all their needs to feel safe, self-sufficient, and independent are met. On top of that, we have shelter and relocation services," explained Brittany Fischer, the YWCA's communications director.

With more people seeking help, the organization needs more funding to help pay for these programs.

"Program costs, salaries, wages, and we have had to increase our staff because of the numbers increasing," said Steve Parlante, the YWCA Northcentral CFO.

The YWCA receives a flat yearly rate from the state and federal governments, but Parlante claims that is not enough to cover the current demand. Without local financial support, the YWCA is facing a dire situation.

"We will probably have to end up cutting program services. That means turning people away."

If you would like to help the YWCA Northcentral in Williamsport, click HERE to donate.

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