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Ginger Zee comes to Lycoming County

Part of our area got some time in the national spotlight Monday morning.

ROARING BRANCH, Pa. — Ginger Zee travels all over the world as a meteorologist on ABC's Good Morning America, but on this day, she was in Lycoming County.

"I'm happy to be here. This is the time of year to be here. This beautiful point where we get the cold, crisp fall air. You have really nice colors around here. The best part of it is you have a lot of wind," Ginger Zee said.

Zee was with a crew from Duke Energy at Laurel Hill Wind Farm in northern Lycoming County.

"We're a 69-megawatt wind site here. We have 30 machines. We make power for the grids and ship it out to the homes," Nicholas Burpoe said.

Zee was showcasing wind energy for a segment on Good Morning America.

"There are now nearly 70,000 wind turbines across the country, and that number is growing substantially, especially in offshore. So we wanted to update everybody on the reality of what wind is and how big it's about to get," Zee said.

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference is currently being held in Glasgow, Scotland. Zee says there is a big push by ABC to tell stories like this one.

"We started an official climate unit, and so we're kicking off this entire month with COP26 as the hook and saying we are diving deep into these climate change stories, environmental stories, and bringing you stories from seven different continents," Zee said.

Employees at Duke Energy are happy Zee started the series here in Lycoming County.

"She was a new climber. She hadn't done it before, so that was an awesome experience seeing how they do their jobs, and they were amused at how we do our jobs," Burpoe said.

The segment put northeastern and central Pennsylvania in the national spotlight.

Can clean electricity help change the planet?

Can clean electricity help change the planet? Ginger Zee shows us how wind turbines can help solve the climate crisis. https://gma.abc/3bsMY9p

Posted by Good Morning America on Monday, November 1, 2021

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