HUGHESVILLE -- A bank in Hughesville was held up on August 27, and on Wednesday police found their suspect in Illinois.
They said he was with a teenage girl from western Pennsylvania.
We learned that a sheriff's department in Illinois arrested Donald Guthrie of Jersey Shore around 3 p.m. Wednesday.
Officials found him with a 14-year-old girl from Punxsutawney.
Police call Donald Guthrie a suspect in the bank robbery at First National Bank in Hughesville just a day after the bank was robbed.
The girl from Punxsutawney apparently ran away from home. Authorities found the two together in Mount Morris, Illinois, west of Chicago. They said Guthrie and the girl have known each other for years.
Guthrie is on the Megan's Law website as a registered sex offender.
Currently, Guthrie is accused of sending inappropriate text and picture messages to teenaged girls in Lycoming County. He missed a court appearance in Lycoming County on Friday, and he's being held in Illinois on those charges.
Police in Lycoming County have also identified Guthrie as a suspect in last week's robbery at First National Bank in Hughesville. So far he has not been charged in connection with that crime.
A detective in Lycoming County said the teenaged girl who was with Guthrie is in the process of being returned home to Punxsutawney. Guthrie is in jail in Illinois and is supposed to be sent back to Lycoming County in a few weeks.