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Central Pennsylvania railroad company dedicates two engines to veterans

The event was a surprise for some vets. Newswatch 16's Mackenzie Aucker was there for the special ceremony.

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — Two new North Shore Railroad Company and Affiliates locomotives rolled into Williamsport along the Lycoming County Railroad on Friday. They share a special message for the men and women who have served in the military.

Railroad officials say this labor of love is two years in the making.

"Every step we took, we were just hoping that we could make this—these units something that would make them proud and make people stop in their tracks, and just pause and remember and reflect on our military and the importance of each man and woman who has put their life on the line," said Loni Briner, public relations and media manager at North Shore Railroad Company and Affiliates.

North Shore invited area veterans to the surprise unveiling Friday morning.

Gary Shields served in the United States Army for six years and worked at the railroad.

"Overwhelming, overwhelming, and since I worked here for 15 years, I appreciate how much it costs to paint these locomotives, to do all that, and put this program together to honor the veterans, just overwhelming," said Shields.

Each engine has its own message.

"By having the black silhouettes tell the message, the message is clear, and it's powerful and it should make you cry. If you do stop and pause and think about what these units represent, it should bring a tear to your eye," said Briner.

Mary Eiswerth served in the Army for six and a half years. She says it's important to thank our veterans for the sacrifices they made.

"Every day, you should honor your veterans. They mean a lot to us; you know we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them," said Eiswerth.

The veteran units will travel through nine central Pennsylvania counties. North Shore would like to hold fundraisers and rides with the units for veterans.

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