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Bus highlights Special Olympics athletes

River Valley Transit unveiled a new Special Olympic-themed bus in Lycoming County.

LYCOMING COUNTY, Pa. — Driving through Lycoming County, you may see River Valley Transit's new Special Olympics bus. It is all part of the county transit system's initiative to bring awareness to things going on in the community.

"We had some excess advertising funds that we wanted to give back to the community, so we thought, 'What better idea to do than wrap a bus and show the community that we still do care about the community?'" said Chris Clark, River Valley Transit's fleet manager.

The specially wrapped bus highlights the Lycoming County Special Olympics, and it showcases ten local athletes.

"I have been involved with Special Olympics for over 35 years here in Lycoming County, and this is probably one of the best things that has happened to us in recent times," said Lester Loner, a training coordinator for the Lycoming County Special Olympics.

"It is absolutely amazing. It showcases our athletes and lets people know exactly what they are capable of, and it brings awareness to our program," said Tracy Rooker, an assistant manager with the organization.

Rooker's son is a Special Olympic athlete, and he is featured on the bus. She is grateful for River Valley Transit wanting to promote these athletes.

"He was really excited to see his picture on the bus. But not only that, when he was a baby, we didn't know if he would ever walk or talk. He had a brain bleed when he was a baby, so to see him on the side of the bus and accomplishing so much and bringing awareness to the organization is so amazing," said Rooker.

"It will be out on routes. It is going on the longest routes right now to show it off, and then it will fix into a certain route and be on that route every day," said Clark.

The transit system also unveiled two more bus wraps this month—a pink bus supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month and a green bus to bring awareness to autism.

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