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Bringing awareness to domestic violence

The YWCA in Williamsport is showing off the color purple this month for domestic violence awareness.

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — If you are driving through downtown Williamsport this month, you will probably see a lot of purple. Purple flags are lining the streets of Billtown in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

"Domestic violence affects one in four women and one in nine men throughout their lifetimes. So, that is one in four women, so if you are in a room with four women, then you can look around, and possibly one of them is experiencing domestic violence," said Amber Morningstar, a program director at YWCA Northcentral PA.

The Young Women's Christian Association of Northcentral Pennsylvania wants folks to understand the seriousness of domestic violence. Throughout October, the organization is displaying the names and faces of folks killed in Lycoming County as a result of domestic violence.

"Domestic violence doesn't discriminate. It happens to anyone. We really aim to highlight and remember those who have lost their lives," said Morningstar.

"It is nonstop. Domestic violence is real, and it doesn't discriminate, and every month of the year, every day, every minute is crucial," said Debra Smith, a shelter advocate at the YWCA.

The YWCA encourages anyone experiencing domestic violence to reach out. The organization has a number of ways it can help.

"First thing they should do is pick up that phone and dial the hotline, the domestic violence hotline, or our personal hotline, 570-323-8167. Some people might not know they are in a domestic violence situation. It takes that first phone call and conversation to know how to help them," said Smith.

Folks in Lycoming County can help by offering to volunteer at YWCA or show your support on October 21 by wearing purple.

YWCA Northcentral has a number of awareness events going on through October. One of those events is the Vigil of Remembrance and Hope, which will take place at the Community Theater League in Williamsport at 5:30 p.m. on October 14.

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