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2023: A big year for travel

AAA North Penn in Williamsport says the phone is ringing off the hook for travel plans.

SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. — Travel agents at AAA North Penn in South Williamsport are working around the clock. 

January is typically when most people plan their trips, according to AAA.

"They just come off the holidays and are now thinking of their vacations in the summer and in the fall or throughout the year, and our agency is very busy now with all the different types of travel," said Eric Feerrar, the vice president of travel at AAA North Penn.

Over the past two years, travel was seriously hindered by the pandemic.

"We were probably one of the biggest industries hit because of COVID. People couldn't travel from pretty much March of 2020 until probably midway through last year," said Feerrar.

AAA says cruises are so far the big ticket this year because the industry had to completely shut down the past few years. 

Mary Rucinski and Diane Ellis from Williamsport are going on a cruise this spring for the first time in years.

"We had planned before COVID struck to be looking for a cruise, and then it got iffy, and then it got shut down, and now we feel like it is the time to give it a try," said Rucinski.

"I am very eager. I had some medical issues, so now I am ready," Ellis said.

Over the holidays, travel took a big hit after hundreds of Southwest flights had to be canceled. 

So, Feerrar shared a piece of advice to folks using travel agencies.

"We always advise people if you are going on a cruise in Florida and you have to leave at a certain time, go a day earlier if you have the ability to do that," Feerrar said. 

AAA North Penn says it expects 2023 to be one of the busier years for travel in recent memory.

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