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What's tomato with the walk from West Pittston to Pittston?

Fences going up during the Tomato Festival highlight pedestrian concerns.

PITTSTON, Pa. — With the Tomato Festival this weekend in Pittston, some are expressing concerns about safety if they are walking.

Several feet of fences, and ‘No Trespassing’ signs are still not enough to stop people from taking a chance crossing the Water Street Bridge, which connects West Pittston to Pittston.

Newswatch 16 talked to Pittston Mayor Michael Lombardo at the Tomato Festival about concerns regarding the bridge being closed to pedestrians.

“Three weeks ago, there was somebody on the golf cart on the bridge.  We even had a tractor trailer move barricades and drive over the bridge.  So the county was concerned, we were concerned, West Pittston was concerned, what we don't want is a tragedy.”  he said.

Mayor Lombardo said the decision to close the Water Street Bridge, which has been mainly used for foot traffic, was out of concern for public safety as more than 100,000 people would be coming to the Tomato Festival over the weekend.

"We have a bridge that was essentially declared by engineers that it's unsafe and when they said it was unsafe they basically don't want vehicles or anyone else on the bridge.” he said.

Now, folks on the west side of the river who are looking to walk to the Tomato Festival will need to go across the Fort Jenkins Bridge.

“I can tell you what I'll be thinking about, not getting killed.” said James Zarra of Pittston.

While thousands of cars drive over the Fort Jenkins Bridge every day, Zarra thinks you’re taking a risk if you decide to walk across.


“It's a tight sidewalk and the traffic it doesn't slow down much it's all downhill that bridge especially when you're walking from Pittston to West Pittston.” he said.

Mayor Lombardo says the city will have extra police out patrolling the areas near the Fort Jenkins bridge to ensure anybody crossing is safe.

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