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A reunion between EMTs and newborn

Some first responders from Luzerne County got a hearty thank you from a couple in Sugarloaf and the newest member of their family

LUZERNE COUNTY, Pa. — Plenty of laughs and smiles inside the Valley Regional Fire and Rescue station in Drums as the Sweetwood family introduced their newest daughter, Vivian, to the first responders who helped deliver her.

"Super grateful I definitely did not want to do this by myself," said Vivian's father, Aaron Sweetwood.

"I didn't want to do it without an Epidural but," said Vivian's mother, Katie Sweetwood.

Back on July 22nd, Katie felt her contractions a few days early.

"So, I messaged him, and then I actually messaged my management, and I was like it might be go time. I might be having the baby at home," said Katie. "Obviously, it was a joke. I wasn't trying to have a baby at home."

But baby Vivian had other plans, and she wanted out.

That's when EMT Jared DeLauretis stepped in.

"We kind of realized it really needed to get done there instead of trying to take her to the hospital, so we just got all the supplies we tried to keep her nice and calm," said DeLauretis. 

For roughly 10 minutes, DeLauretis and another EMT helped deliver Vivian inside the Sweetwoods' home in Sugarloaf.

A short experience that was a first in his 16-year career.

"It was breathtaking. you know. It was not common, you know. You see the bad, not the good, and this was the good, and thank god everything turned out amazing," said DeLauretis.

Just a few weeks later, Vivian is healthy and keeping many people happy.

And her special delivery will live with DeLauretis and the department for years to come.

"We put that stork right on the side of the ambulance to represent Vivan," said DeLauretis.  "And as long as that ambulance is here, Vivian will always be a part of us in the community and everything else."

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