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Rectory, Set, Cook!

Priests in the Diocese of Scranton are showing off their cooking skills to raise money for Catholic Social Services.

SWOYERSVILLE, Pa. — Rectory, Set, Cook!  The third installment of Rectory, Set, Cook, is underway. Catholic priests in the Diocese of Scranton are showing their cooking skills to raise money for the hungry. 

Jon Meyer is part of Team Elizabeth Ann Seton in Swoyersville. Father John Chmil and Jon joined Chef Jeff Piazza, owner of the Fort Cafe in Forty Fort. 

Donations are votes.  You can watch all the videos and vote for your favorite. Each $10 donation counts as one vote. This benefits Catholic Social Services' efforts to help the hungry. So far over $50,000 has been raised for the cause.

Click here to watch all of the videos and donate to vote.

Voting is open until March 25.


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