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Push for mail-in ballots for June Primary

Measures are being taken in Luzerne County to help keep the voting process safe during the COVID-19 crisis.

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — During the presidential election in 2016, crowds of people came close together under one roof. 

Now, during the current health crisis, a sight like that can make many uneasy. 

Officials in Luzerne County say crowds and close quarters is something they are trying to avoid in June's primary election.

"We want to make sure that everyone gets out to vote and does it safely.  So we're taking this as a two-prong approach," said Luzerne County Manager David Pedri.

Number one, Pedri said the county will be consolidating its 150 polling places down to close to 50. 

By moving smaller polling locations into bigger buildings, social distancing guidelines can be maintained.

"Those locations can't be entered into because I have senior centers I have churches, now they'll be in bigger areas, spread out, consolidating as much as we can," explained Pedri.

Second, the county is urging people to vote by mail. 

People can apply online for a mail-in ballot, but if they don't have access to the internet, no problem.

The county received a state grant to mail out the paperwork to every registered democrat and republican to vote by mail.

"It will be out there for you. It will have a self-addressed stamped envelope. Fill it out mail it back, and you're good to go. You don't got to worry about standing in line or have to worry about someone coughing on you. You don't have to worry about your vote being counted. Everything will be there for you," added Pedri.

Going to the polls in person is still an option, but may look a little different. The county says they will not allow those who are considered at high-risk for COVID-19 to work the polls.

"Those poll workers that can still work and want to still work, we will need their assistance. They will be there; they will be helping people the day of the election. Hopefully, it will be quiet. Hopefully, most people take the mail-in ballot option," said Pedri.

RELATED: New voting processes in Luzerne County

Pedri says next week is when training on new voting machines for poll workers is set to begin; it's also when you can expect the mail-in ballot paperwork to show up in your mailbox.

For more information, you can find a link to the Luzerne County Bureau of Elections here.

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