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Power outages won't stop a game of bingo in Wilkes-Barre

Despite the bingo cage running out of power, a weekly game at the Wilkes-Barre Township building's community room carried on.

WILKES-BARRE TOWNSHIP, Pa. — With bingo chips in one hand and a flashlight in the other, the weekly bingo game held in the Wilkes-Barre Township building's community room carried on, despite a power outage.

"Why cancel? It's Wednesday," said Donna Ransom of Ashley.

"We know where everyone sits," reasoned Pat Wasilius of Plains Township.

"And look at all the ladies in here. They're all happy and everything," said Arlene Auker of Hanover Township.

So why cancel? The bingo cage doesn't require power.

"We never miss bingo. I wouldn't miss bingo for the world," added Auker.

"Wednesday's bingo day; you gotta come to play bingo regardless," explained Ransom.

For these ladies, the game, as well as the seating arrangement, came down to the luck of the draw. Only two emergency lights lit up the room.

"Some people were using their telephone, and some people went out to their car and got flashlights, and so we're making do," said Ransom.

Because on Wednesdays, from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., these ladies play bingo.

"We're troopers, all of us that are here. We don't give up," added Ransom.

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