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Lead found at Hanover Area High School stadium

Hanover Area's football team is scrambling to find a practice field after the district's century-old home stadium was closed due to lead.

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — Although this may look like a typical Hanover Area Hawkeyes football practice, it's a little bit different.

That's because the players aren't at their usual Memorial Stadium.

"King's, let us come up and use the field for today and tomorrow, which is great and a big help for us," said Jason Majiros, head coach.

The home field is closed down due to lead contamination found in a layer of old paint at the Hanover Area School District's stadium.

So, the team is tackling and blocking at Kings College.

"With this cleanup in this un-foreseen circumstance, it's putting a slight delay on the start of the football season at our stadium," said Nathan Barrett, Hanover Area Superintendent.

The delay is forcing the team to scramble for alternative locations for the first few home games.

"We're working with some of the local schools to try to pick up their facilities so we can actually still have a home game even though it's not our place, said Michael McCree, Athletic Director.

"It'll still be like a home game for us, but it's not going to be their 'home' home," said Majiros.

Players have mixed reactions to the temporary change in venue.

"It's sad because I've been practicing here for like 3 years; it's never been a problem, no issues with the locker room; I just hope we just get it fixed because I really like our field," said Gernard Williams, Defensive End.

"It really hasn't impacted me much; like I said, we take it time by time because we know we're going to get back on that field," said Tyler Garrison, Lineman.

Coach Majiros remains optimistic about the season, "We don't care where we play if it's 100 yards, if the field is a hundred yards, we're going to play in between the lines, and whoever wins wins."

According to Hanover Area, football practices should resume at Memorial Stadium within the next few weeks.

Football games will be played at the stadium in late September.

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