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Investigation underway after cars vandalized in Hazleton

The Hazleton City Police Department says vandalism on cars in the north end of Hazleton has been on the rise.

HAZLETON, Pa. — The Hazleton City Police Department's Public Information Officer, Jessica Surkin, says she hasn't seen this level of vandalism in all her years of work with the department. 

Newswatch 16 s Valeria Quinones spoke with a victim of the recent vandalism. 

The police department says more than 20 cars have been vandalized in recent days. 

Some of those cars have been sprayed with a corrosive substance, while others have had their tires slashed.

All original interviews are translated from Spanish. 

Alex Estevez lives on North Lee Court in Hazleton. He says, "I've lived at his home on North Lee Court for three years. This street has always been quiet, and nothing of this type has ever happened."

One morning last week, he noticed what he thought was morning frost on his car's side. Then he realized the paint was bubbling up and peeling. 

Estevez says, "I thought it was only my car until I realized my father's and brother's cars were vandalized as well."

Other neighbors along the same street also had damage to their vehicles, 18 cars in all. Police say two others on Mckinley Street also had their tires slashed. 

Johan Mejia got lucky he wasn't at his home on North Lee Court when the vandalism occurred but believes Hazleton has changed in his 20 years of living there. 

Mejia says, "It used to be quiet here. You could leave your car unlocked. We've never experienced something like this before."

Regina Zoquier, who lives on the same street, says the crimes upset her because the neighborhood is filled with serious, hardworking people. 

Zoquier says, "There's bad people, just like everywhere else, but the good outnumber the bad here, and things like this hurt the Hazleton reputation.

Hazleton police are not sure if the tire slashings are connected to the other vandalism, and they are not sure what substance was used to damage the cars around North Lee Court, but they believe it was similar to paint thinner.

The police department says anyone with any information about the recent vandalism in Hazleton can anonymously report a tip to the crime watch app or the website. Click here to access the website.

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